PS3 : E3 Team обявиха E3 tation, E3 ODE и Glich хак за 3к и 4к (super slim) конзоли

Днес като гръм от ясно небе E3 разпространиха информация , която би променила PS3 сцената. В изявлението си говорят за 3 неща :


E3 Station – приставка, която се запоява в PS3 конзола и дава възможност да се пускат през нея игри PS1/PS2,PS3 игри, програми и други. Ще си има собствен интерфейс, дисплей и тъчскрин.

Е3 Drive EMU board – още едно ODE устройство , за емулатор на блурея, което работи заедно с E3 station

Glich платка – до колкото разбирам принципа на работа е точно както при Xbox конзолите, салага се глич платка в конзолата и тя стартира неподписан код. Няма да е нужен делен хардуер и метода ще работи на всички модели, включително Super Slim,


E3 team твърдят че работят от 1 година по своя проект/проекти.


Ето пълния цитат :


E3TEAM, the world renowned PS3 team, the maker of E3 FLASHER, E3 CARD READER and E3 CFW 4.30 etc,will release a Revolutionary innovation products— E3 Station .

E3 Station is a multi-console supported platform, which we spent nearly a year developed by E3TEAM . It has huge hardware scalability and various software applications. Its main features are

1: A high-performance hardware architecture
2: Big HD touch screen allow players to use the software easily .
3: Support for an expansion hardware board. With the custom expansive board, the user can play backup game easily.
4: Multi-console compatable, such as PS3/XBOX360/WIIU, and also future PS4/XBOX720.
5: Built-in Bluetooth, WIFI and HDMI interface, support HD Internet TV and a variety of high-definition 1080P multimedia(include BD ISO).
6: Perfect quality and attractive price.

The E3 STATION will be the best development tools for developers. E3TEAM will open the application SDK, and provide free
sample for those interested developers . The developer can release their work(software or hardware) which based on
E3 STATION free or paid. E3TEAM will also reward the good work, we will public the Awards Program later.

We believe that the support of many developers, E3 STATION users will get the best experience.

Addition, E3TEAM will release some E3 expansion board which run on E3 Station . User can choose according to their own needs


The NAND board KIT includes the NAND board and the Nand CLIP . These boards work in conjunction with the E3 Station, the NAND-model PS3 Users can easily achieve one
click downgrades without the need of any hassle or even a PC. Just touch E3 station screen and downgrade is completed.


The NOR board KIT includes the NOR board and the NOR CLIP . These boards also work in conjunction with E3 Station, the NOR-model PS3 Users can easily achieve one
click downgrades without the need of any hassle or even a PC. Just touch E3 station screen and downgrade is completed.

About PS3 3K and 4K console, we will release 2 products for them:
The DRIVE EMU BOARD works with the E3 station, users can run PS1/PS2/PS3 backup game from harddisk, this works on ALL PS3 models including 3K and 4K.

2: PS3 Glitcher
This is an independent small size chip with cheaper cost. It does not need additional hardware like the E3 Station . We have succeeded in glitching the PS3 3K and 4K a few months ago,all we need is some time to improve boot rate.

More special function expansion boards will be announced later (for XBOX360 and WIIU etc), while welcoming the developer to obtain the SDK and E3 STATION sample, to become the member of E3 developer .

here is our new email address for applying to become E3 developer :

Enclose some pictures for our products,we will release more details on Feb .

1: PS3 Glitcher test board from E3TEAM
2: E3 Nand and Nor expasion board
3: E3 DRIVE EMU test board front
4: E3 DRIVE EMU test board back[/su_quote]




Written by: gataka

6 Comments Added

Join Discussion
  1. Дано и като пуснат новите конзоли пак да изкарат такива устройства и да ги мятаме и тях 🙂

    • gataka 03.02.2013 | Отговор

      CHECH-3000 са псоелдните модели от SLim версията, които не се хакват. CECH-4000 са Super Slim моделите.

  2. Deniz 02.02.2013 | Отговор

    Абе много изведнъж ги извадиха тея работи какво стана?? Да не би причината да е в излизането на PS4 ???

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